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Exercise While Sitting – Techies Get Moving With SitFlow

Today we live in a sit-down world, given careers are leaning in the techie direction and so many people telecommute or work from home. We all use computers, tablets, and other devices to communicate and get the job done. While we’re constantly sitting, our health is going down the drain! SitFlow is an amazing invention that makes it possible to burn more calories even while you sit – no sweat, no effort, no huffing and puffing, in fact you don’t even realize you’re doing it!

Imagine having the ability to exercise while sitting, never getting up from your desk (or table, or wherever you work from). An ingenious invention, the SitFlow is basically a couple of circular foot pads connected with a metal bar that’s attached to a strap which is adjustable. While you’re sitting there checking out Facebook, creating a new website for a client, working on your business social media campaign, writing a blog post, or researching, your feet and legs can do the walking – or swinging, if you prefer. The great thing is you’re never distracted because it’s all “unconscious.” No exercising on purpose – isn’t it great?

Even better is the fact that those with Android or iOS can get the companion app, making it possible to set daily goals and track your movement. It’s great to feel accomplished, even when you don’t realize you’re doing anything. We all know that a sedentary lifestyle isn’t a good thing, but now it’s a whole lot better thanks to SitFlow! There are lots of gimmicks out there today, but thankfully this isn’t one of them.

Get your legs moving, improve circulation, burn calories, and never know you’re doing any of it while your head’s buried in the computer. SitFlow may just be the greatest thing to come along since sliced bread.

Lots of people have unconscious habits or do things that they’re not even aware they’re doing, such as swinging or fidgeting with their legs while sitting. Why not make the most of those hours you spend sitting? Often called an “under desk exerciser,” SitFlow is a gadget that mounts under your desk and gives your legs and lower body a workout, an “unconscious” way of burning up those calories you consumed at lunch without the effort, grunting, sweating, and all those other lovely things we suffer when we actually work out. We say “unconscious” because you’re not even aware you’re doing it! What could be any better?

Lots of people sit at a desk eight hours a day – and they know it’s not healthy. SitFlow not only burns calories approximately equal to those you’d burn if you went for a 45 minute walk, it also offers other health benefits including improved circulation, joint and cardiovascular health, mental focus, and more.

In case you didn’t know it, this handy invention is also NEAT certified as announced in a 2016 memo from Dr. James A. Levine, Director, Obesity Solutions at Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University, and was found in a laboratory test conducted among 30 office workers to increase energy expenditure by almost 20%. Quite amazing, considering you don’t have to leave your desk!

Who wants to stand at a “standing” desk all day, or go through the hassle of alternating back and forth from the sitting-to-standing-to-sitting position? Healthy sitting has become a “thing,” thanks to SitFlow!

Sure, you could drag your exercise bike to work and put it in the supply room so you could ride it while on break, but who wants to do that? And think of all the snickering that would be going on behind your back…maybe that isn’t such a good idea. Those standing desks we’ve all heard so much about lately? Wonder how your back and legs would appreciate it, being that you’d feel like you had been standing at a cash register at Walmart all day. Or, you could spend the time you should be working putting it in standing position, or back down so you could give your aching back a rest. We think it’s a lot of effort, and maybe not so effective, which is why SitFlow is an amazing option.

Of course, you could always take a short walk or jog while on your lunch hour, but depending on where you live, you may want to bring your makeup, deodorant, and maybe even a change of clothes along with you! Yeah, right. When you’re in a quandary about how to burn calories and lose a little weight, but you just don’t have the time or inclination to go to the gym, the SitFlow is a no-brainer!

The optional activity tracker actually lets you see what you’ve accomplished while working at your desk, in terms of calorie burn and distance traveled each day. Who knew sitting and working on those budget reports, or having your eyes glued to a computer screen all day, could make you feel so productive?

There’s a lot of hype around SitFlow, and there’s a reason for that – it works, plain and simple. No gimmicks or empty promises. Give SitFlow a try, and see for yourself – desk exercise is possible!

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