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How to Burn Calories at Your Desk: Standing Desk or Under-Desk Exercise Equipment?

The most common question we hear from prospective customers here at SitFlow usually revolves around trying to find out which products help to burn more calories at your desk. Is it standing desks or under-desk exercise products like SitFlow? The short answer is that the research speaks for itself, and standing desks are not nearly as effective at burning calories as you would expect based on their popularity.

The New York Times published an article on standing desks earlier this year, where they detailed the results of a study from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. The researchers found that standing instead of sitting for six hours burns just 54 extra calories, which translates to losing approximately 5 and a half lbs in a year. Considering that standing desks can cost anywhere from $480 to $2,000, you’re not exactly getting a great return on your investment. Although the exact amount varies by individual, you can expect to burn approximately 40-50 calories in an hour if you use SitFlow continuously.

Using a standing desk is certainly better than static sitting, but the real harm comes from lack of movement, which is exactly what you get with a standing desk. Please visit the SitFlow science page for more details on burning calories while sitting, with studies from Mayo Clinic and Tokai University in Japan.

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