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Can Meditation Really Improve Your Physical Health?

Meditation is primarily thought of as a technique for the mind, and with good reason. Studies have shown that meditation can help reduce stress, depression, anxiety and addiction. However, there is also plenty of research out there which shows meditation may have a tangible effect on physical health too. But before we get to that, […]

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Are Poor Sleep Habits Harming Your Health?

The importance of getting eight hours of sleep a night is widely discussed, however it may be difficult to find someone you know who actually accomplishes this. And for all of the talk about such a lofty goal for sleep each night, the question that remains is why getting enough sleep is so important. Aside […]

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Just How Dangerous is Inactivity?

If your lifestyle has become too sedentary, it’s time to listen up. Everyone knows that physical activity is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but a recent study published in the American Society for Nutrition, proves just how dangerous lack of physical activity can be. The study looked at data from over 334,000 […]

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Blood Pressure

“I have high blood pressure.” – said 29% of Americans, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). That’s 1 in every 3 American adults. High blood pressure is commonly known as the “silent killer” because there are usually no signs or symptoms and having high blood pressure puts you at risk for heart attack, […]

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Mental Health

“What was I going to pick up after work today?” “Where did I leave my keys?” “What’s the name of that cute, tall guy I just met?” These may be a few simple questions you ask yourself daily (bonus points if you ask yourself the third one regularly). These little questions may not cause you […]