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Exercise May Help Reduce the Risk of Dementia in Seniors

Anyone who has seen a loved one develop dementia knows how scary and debilitating it can be. The Mayo Clinic defines dementia as a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking and social abilities severely enough to interfere with daily functioning. In other words, dementia is not an individual condition, however Alzheimer’s disease is widely known […]

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Memory Loss may be one of the Effects of Prolonged Sitting

By now, almost everyone knows about the negative physical effects of sitting all day. But as new research is coming out all the time, we are learning more about just how harmful the effects of prolonged sitting can be for your mental health too. A study released last month by UCLA’s Semel Institute and its Center […]

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How to Burn Calories at Your Desk: Standing Desk or Under-Desk Exercise Equipment?

The most common question we hear from prospective customers here at SitFlow usually revolves around trying to find out which products help to burn more calories at your desk. Is it standing desks or under-desk exercise products like SitFlow? The short answer is that the research speaks for itself, and standing desks are not nearly as […]