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Thinking of buying a standing desk? Here’s 5 reasons why your money is better spent elsewhere

In recent years, standing desks have been the office “in” item. If you weren’t ahead of the curve and utilizing one in your office, you might have been said to be “neglecting your health”. Now, a recent report shows that the benefits of standing desks have not only been exaggerated, but that they can actually do more harm than good. 

In the latest Ergonomics Journal standing desks were evaluated utilizing 21 adults performing standing computer work in a simulated office environment. The results, while quite condemning, were not surprising in the least. 

Over Time, Standing Desks Increase Discomfort In All Body Areas

standing desks increase discomfort in all body areas

Discomfort increased steadily across all body areas for the duration of the study. This is magnified for those already struggling with tight muscles, chronic back pain, and other musculo-skeletal issues quite common among those who primarily work in offices. 

Standing Desks Reduce Sustained Attention Reaction Time

reaction time

Standing desks have a negative effect on sustained attention reaction time. This means that over the course of a workday, you’ll gradually become more inefficient and slower to react to changes in the task at hand. 

Standing Desks Increase Lower Limb Swelling

Lower Limb Swelling, Standing Desk

This is the metaphorical nail in the coffin for those dealing with edema, diabetes or any other medical issues which might increase the likelihood of swelling in the lower limbs. While movement itself aids with these issues, standing still for long periods does not. 

Standing Desks Decrease Mental State 

standing desks decrease mental state

Increased discomfort, coupled with decreased efficiency, and negative health impacts all collectively contribute to a decreased mental state. In addition, no one wants to stand all day. 

Why Stand All Day, Everyday? You Don’t Have To

 Sitflow is a patented leg swing that attaches underneath a desk, or to a mobile stand. Sitflow provides a unique, easy to use way to move and exercise while sitting throughout the day, with no mental distraction as validated by University of Illinois and certified NEAT™ by Mayo Clinic.

Sitflow Increases Focus and Productivity

By helping increase blood circulation – Sitflow allows more oxygen to flow to the brain which boosts concentration levels.Burn up to 20% More Calories

Sitflow is an active-sitting device that helps people move while sitting. This is perfect for anyone who’s job requires them to sit for long periods of time.

Get your Sitflow Today

One reply on “Thinking of buying a standing desk? Here’s 5 reasons why your money is better spent elsewhere”

From my point of view, people who are planning to buy standing desk for their office must invest in good quality furniture. I guess you made a pretty good point that it would be best to opt for an adjustable-standing desk too. Thank you for clarifying here as well the importance of standing long enough to develop health issues.

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