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Exercise While Working – Sit At A Desk All Day? The Health Hazards

Maybe you spend all day sitting at a desk for work, or maybe you’re just a “couch potato.” Either way, sitting for a good part of the day presents several health hazards. You know that parking yourself for hours on end does nothing to eat up calories or help in terms of fitness, but what are the other hazards of sitting for eight or more hours per day? There are plenty of them – in fact, way more than you’re probably aware of.

If you spend a third of your 24-hour day sitting at a desk or on the couch, there are plenty of reasons to consider Sitflow, the rave new apparatus that gets your legs swinging and your body in gear. Here are a few of them.

Inflexible spine or a bad back. Sitting does nothing to help your back or spine, and essentially does the opposite – collagen hardens around ligaments and tendons, and discs are “squashed.” Doesn’t sound like a good thing!

Mushy abs and muscle degeneration. Does your belly hang, or do you look swayback because of the belly fat? Sitting all day can result in bad posture and weak abdominal muscles, responsible for helping you keep upright without the bulging belly or swayback appearance.

Did you know sitting for prolonged periods every day has been linked to diabetes, a decline in insulin response, heart disease, high cholesterol and/or blood pressure, and even an increased risk of colon, endometrial, and breast cancer?

Osteoporosis and poor circulation in the legs are also risks associated with sitting for endless hours, because of the slowing of blood circulation. You may find yourself suffering from anything as minor as ankles that are swollen to DVT, or deep vein thrombosis, a condition in which potentially dangerous blood clots form in the legs.

Perhaps most disturbing of all is the fact that studies have shown those who sit and watch 7 or more hours of television each day are at a 61% increased risk of dying when compared to those who sit and watch TV for less than an hour each day. Wow. If you had known this years ago, would you have been spending so much idle time sitting around watching sports, movies, reality TV, or game shows? Not likely.

The good news is that Sitflow is a Mayo Clinic Neat certified desk swing that’s available in two models to meet your needs. Whether mounted under your desk at work/in your home office or used as a portable device, you reap tremendous health benefits and get to exercise while working! Start Sitflowing today! 

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