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Workplace Productivity

Workplace Productivity Infographic

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New Research Says Regular Exercise may not be Enough to Offset Prolonged Sitting

Throughout the development of Sitflow, one of the primary goals has been to provide people with an easy and practical way to offset the harmful effects of excessive sitting. This is particularly important because studies have shown that for people who sit too much, even working out regularly is not enough to offset the health consequences caused […]

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How to Be More Productive at Work

As much as we hate to admit it, there are times when we somewhat enjoy procrastinating and lazing around at work. That is, of course, until the work starts piling up or we end up missing important deadlines, and we start wishing and praying for effective ways that we can improve our performance and hopefully […]

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16 Desk Exercises You Can Do Discreetly

Sitting too much can make you fat—and possibly even kill you. Sedentary behavior has become one of the biggest health hazards of the modern age, with medical researchers constantly finding new and different ways in which sedentary living affects our health. Some of the more serious side effects of prolonged sitting include obesity, heart disease, […]

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Under Desk Exercise – Why Hover When You Can SitFlow?

There’s no doubt that sitting for hours a day is detrimental to our health, and today we do it more than ever, given the increase in desk jobs that stem from working at computers for hours on end. Sitting means the large muscles in your lower body aren’t doing their job, and your metabolism is […]