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7 Benefits of Using Desk Exercise Equipment

We all know that staying active is essential to a healthy lifestyle. But what most of us probably aren’t aware of is that no matter how active you are, those lengthy periods of sedentary time in between can still be detrimental to your health—in the long run, of course. Recent research on the effects of […]

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How to Burn Calories at Your Desk: Standing Desk or Under-Desk Exercise Equipment?

The most common question we hear from prospective customers here at SitFlow usually revolves around trying to find out which products help to burn more calories at your desk. Is it standing desks or under-desk exercise products like SitFlow? The short answer is that the research speaks for itself, and standing desks are not nearly as […]

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SitFlow – Different Ways To Exercise At Work And Burn Calories

Anyone who has a desk job (and these days, that’s a lot of people) knows it’s hard to sneak in some exercise, but being sedentary isn’t good for your physical or mental health. Additionally, a lack of exercise can have a negative impact on how effective you are at work as well as your productivity […]

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Under Desk Exerciser – Healthy Sitting? It’s Possible With SitFlow

We’ve been told over the years that sitting all day long isn’t healthy, whether we sit on the couch, at the kitchen table, or our desks at work. “Get up and move around every hour, get on the treadmill and walk while you watch TV, get a standing desk, blah blah blah.” We’ve heard all […]