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16 Desk Exercises You Can Do Discreetly

Sitting too much can make you fat—and possibly even kill you. Sedentary behavior has become one of the biggest health hazards of the modern age, with medical researchers constantly finding new and different ways in which sedentary living affects our health. Some of the more serious side effects of prolonged sitting include obesity, heart disease, […]

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Here’s a Few Reasons Why Your Standing Desk probably isn’t NEAT Certified

What is Neat Certification and Who Provides It? NEAT stands for the science of nonexercise activity thermogenesis, developed by Mayo Clinic. The term NEAT is trademarked by Mayo Clinic, so you won’t see it popping up on products similar to how we see terms like “organic” abused by the health industry.  To qualify for NEAT™ […]

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The 5 People in Your Life Who Would Love a SitFlow for Christmas

With Christmas Day fast approaching, everybody’s in a frantic rush to pick out the perfect gift for their friends and family members—so we’re not here to waste your time with a multitude of holiday gift suggestions that’ll probably confuse you even more. Instead, we’ll give you one great idea for a holiday gift that’s sure […]